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Old Book



Hi, I’m Emy aka Bobs and Books.


I'm a 30 something book nerd.


Books are my biggest passion. Ever since the age of 4 when my Granddad took me to the library to get me my first library card, I’ve been hooked ever since.


I live in South Wales with cat.

One English Literature degree later and now I am cramming in books at every opportunity between the day job.


I am a Netgalley reviewer, and am open to receive ARCS/proofs, please use the contact details below.


Genres I will read: women's, historical, romance, crime, thriller, contemporary, erotica, up-lit, classics, short story collections, LGBTQIA+.


Genres I will consider: memoir (depending on theme), YA, children's (depends on age) poetry, plays.


Genres I don't read: fantasy, science fiction, horror, saga, dystopian, westerns.

Disclaimer- expect to see Alice in Wonderland creeping in my posts, I am a fanatic.

Disclaimer 2- the “bobs” part is purely because I am obsessed with my Blonde bob and the way it swishes.



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